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R2001 STATEMENT(http://r2001.com)

Like the rediscovery of perspective drawing techniques during the Renaissance,we are meeting the new
World at present through the internet,which is the new electronic medium.
The Internet does upload all the world's emotion like man's nerve system.
I am confident of grow up more powerful emotion as time goes on. and I am sure of increase of this
Growth By R2001 project.
All the world's people will make an enormous work of art.
We create a huge work of art by all the work of art in the World through the internet,as if the universe
Unite with many elements, we can feel, we can see, we can guess and we can meet the philosophy.
I am absorbed in my work for the enormous work of art.
Taking a step forward, I do my best to reach the order of universe through the practice of thought.
The head controls man's action.The head, which in controls the society, is making that is the cyber space.
Cyber electronic space and man's nerve system have point of sameness.
Cyber space, the head of our society, is more intelligent.
In this side,I believe that R2001 project will do very important things.
I will talk about the concept 'Nothing, through R2001 project.
I will take about the poem of 'Nothing' is not 'being' also is not 'Nothing' is the space of the
Possibility through my picture.
The world is getting more electronize and more electronize and the speed is getting faster and faster.
We got the information through the man's mouth, book, newspapers, TV, in the past, each individual
Have lived individually and have related as a member of society in these informations.
History has passed and society has formed by these methods of information collection.
While we live, we use the various information of a digital signal, which is a new information system.
The information is so enormous that we can't avoid the choice in our life in this society.
We enter the society even the artists have to use the computer.
The enormous head operates each individual is getting more intellectual, I think this flood of
Information can bring out the chaos.
There is the spirit of the times in the history not to speak of the times.
Then, is there the spirit of the times in cyber space, the society of these times?
I don't think it is not concretized yet but I guess it will be formed.
If we are the real artists, we have to leave the track in this cyber space.
I think R2001 project contribute to foster this spirit in this means.
Because the system and the member's the way of thinking are more progressive than any other art site.
We do upload our spirit into the head of our society.
I observe this cyber space with deep interest.
The reason is that the birth of cyber space has a common point with concept 'Nothing' in my works
Always has thought and I have painted.
You may not see that 'Nothing' is not being simply.
It is proper 'Nothing' does not appear yet and 'Nothing' is a condition which has a tendency of 'Being'.
'Nothing' is the middle between the beginning and the end, is the middle
… is the middle.
'Nothing' is not fixed yet and it is a tendency of being, that is, it becomes 'Being' at any moment,
The former condition of 'Being'. I strive to understand this concept 'Nothing' I train my thinking power.
Let me example to understand easily this concept 'Nothing' it is the star like a Blackhole in the universe.
Scientists say the star raise a great explosion at any moment, then can make the new space,
The star has enormous mass and because of the enormous mass the star inhale even the light.
I don't know well whether the example is proper.
I think the condition of the Blackhole before the explosion is closely resemble
The condition of 'Nothing'(Concept 'Nothing' is accepted better in heart than in logic.)
Human being shows their will together with nature from the anthropocentric world.
People who define the earth are an organism increase, don't you?
I want to add one thing.
That is the order of the universe.
Because I think that if we feel deeply about the order of the universe,
New Renaissance we dream comes together.

by Lee Kang-Hyuk  

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R2001 STATEMENT(http://r2001.com)  (6) 2001.06.18
고호 일대기  (0) 2001.03.14
고호 일대기  (0) 2001.03.14